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We're taking a break

Latest Fixed Events

Sunday 21st July, 2019

10am to 5pm

Woodhorn Colliery Museum, Ashington

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Time to take some time out

As some of you may have realised we have been doing Scifair since August 2012 and we've had a brilliant time.
However, life has changed a little for us - work, kids' activities, etc - so we feel that now is the right time for a bit of a break and we will only be doing the Woodhorn Invasion in July. We're planning to be back in 2020 or 2021, depending on how life goes, but we'll still be active on our Facebook page and we'll update here when we're ready to get going again.
We will also send out a Newsletter when we pick things up, so if you don't do Facebook you can  subscribe to our newsletter.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of Scfair so far, our dealers, our attendees and our cosplayers and official costumers. We look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Woodhorn Invasion

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